E-Publishing Services
Data Conversion
Aristomind offers its services in Data Conversion. Multiple input formats in the form of hard copies, scanned documents, can be converted into XML, SGML, HTML/OEB, and Data base file formats.
Our team has wide knowledge in the relevant software tools to ensure minimum manual coding.
- CSS Generation
- DTD Development
- TeX / Latex to XML
- Txt/DOC To XML
- XML/SGML Coding
- Quark to SGML for weekly and monthly science journals
- Quark to XML and HTML
- TeX and 3B2 files to XML
- DTD modification for medical journals
- XML DTD modification for encyclopedias
- creation of Word templates, XML DTD’s, and XSL
- keyboarding direct to XML
- development of in-house validation tools for XML checking
Target Market includes companies and institutions involved in the publication of
- Books
- Digital Libraries
- Journals
- Legal & Financial Publications
- Reference Works
- Scholarly Works
- Novel
- Biographies
Aristomind can handle any kinds of typesetting in any field or industry. Aristomind ensures error free projects to check relevancy to language and grammar, with qualified copyeditors, proof readers and quality control personnel
What we Offer?
- Artwork and Designing
- Copy Editing
- Pagination
- Proof reading
- XML processing
Target market includes companies and institutions involved in publication of
- Dictionaries
- Books
- Encyclopedias
- Journals
- Magazines
- Reference Works
- Scholarly Works
Software used for Typesetting and Artwork and Design
- Adobe Frame Maker and Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Corel draw
- MS-Word
- TeX & Latex
- In Design and PageMaker
- Quark XPress